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A first taste into sewing with an overlocker...eek wish me luck its taken some courage to work up to this but I'm ready for the challenge, follow me as I work through my latest project

The Overlocker Diaries #1

A first taste into sewing with an overlocker...eek wish me luck its taken some courage to work up to this but I'm ready for the challenge, follow me as I work through my latest project
Fabric, dressmaking, and sewing enthusiast Elizabeth Binns tells us how to make a vintage winter-proof jacket with Icicle Blue Chunky Herringbone, an Avoca wool available from Fabworks Online.

The Warmest Icicle in Britain

Fabric, dressmaking, and sewing enthusiast Elizabeth Binns tells us how to make a winter-proof jacket with Icicle Blue Chunky Herringbone, an Avoca wool available from Fabworks Online.

14 Ergebinsse