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Safe Harbour - Pink - Organic Cotton Interlock - Fabworks Online
Risparmia 50%
Safe Harbour - Red - Organic Cotton Interlock - Fabworks Online
Organic Cotton Double Jersey Interlock - Safe Harbour Red

3 recensioni
£3.50 per half metre
Only 0.5 metres in stock
Extra Soft - Cotton Interlock Black

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£4.00 per half metre
Extra Soft Cotton Interlock - Grey Marl

2 recensioni
£4.00 per half metre
Risparmia 50%
Extra Soft Cotton Double Jersey Interlock - Cool Lilac (Narrow)

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£2.00 per half metre £4.00
Fluorescent Adolescent - Fabworks Online
Risparmia 40%
Fluorescent Adolescent
£1.50 per half metre £2.50
Pink Sand Ponte - Fabworks Online
Pink Sand Ponte
£3.00 per half metre
Stars - Cerise - Fabworks Online
Risparmia 25%
Stars - Cerise
£1.50 per half metre £2.00
Only 0.5 metres in stock
Ponte Double Jersey - Humbug Intarsia Stripes

2 recensioni
£3.00 per half metre
Lightweight Polyester Fleece - Dusty Navy

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£4.00 per half metre
Bonded Scuba Style Jersey - Sports Luxe Honeycomb Navy

1 recensione
£5.00 per half metre
Glam Rock Gold - Fabworks Online
Only 0.5 metres in stock
Silky Pink Neoprene - Fabworks Online
Reversible Rectangles - White and Blue - Fabworks Online
Only 2 metres in stock
Only 7.5 metres in stock
Christmas Traditions - Fabworks Online
Christmas Traditions
£3.50 per half metre
Extra Wide Supersoft Cotton Interlock - Creamed Mushroom

1 recensione
£3.00 per half metre
Only 6.5 metres in stock
Dusted Choc - Supersoft Cotton Interlock

1 recensione
£3.00 per half metre
Angled twist picture of pink cotton interlock
Bubblegum Pink - Extra Wide Supersoft Cotton Interlock

1 recensione
£3.50 per half metre
Earth Adventure 2 - Fabworks Online
Risparmia 40%
Earth Adventure 2
£1.50 per half metre £2.50
Flamingos Ponte Interlock - Lilac Grey - Fabworks Online
Risparmia 33%
Flamingos Ponte Interlock - Lilac Grey
£2.00 per half metre £3.00
Only 0.5 metres in stock
Double Jersey Rib Check - Rose Blush

1 recensione
£3.50 per half metre
Plum Plaid - Silky Stretch Velour

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£4.00 per half metre
Crepe Double Jersey - Vintage Pink

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£3.00 per half metre
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Sunflower - Sheer Rib Silky Stretch Velour

1 recensione
£4.00 per half metre
Risparmia 50%
Risparmia 33%
Sparkle Blue Sky Marl - Sweater Knit
£2.00 per half metre £3.00
Only 5.5 metres in stock
Pure Pink - Cotton Interlock
£3.00 per half metre
Mediumweight Sweater Knit - Fuzzy Black Eyelash

1 recensione
£4.00 per half metre
Risparmia 50%
Stretch Cotton Interlock - Sand (Perfectly Imperfect)

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Crepe Double Jersey - Rich Turquoise

1 recensione
£3.00 per half metre
Purple high quality stretch lycra dancewear activewear fabric for home sewing clothing
Luxe Matte Lycra Interlock - Deep Purple

1 recensione
£5.00 per half metre
82 risultati