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Seriously Sapphire - Silk Taffeta

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Evenfall - Super Soft Taffeta
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Wool, Silk & Linen Tropical Suiting - Espresso In The Afternoon

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Wild Violet - Crepe de Chine

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Monochrome Micro Birdseye - Wool & Silk Suiting - Fabworks Online
Monochrome Micro Birdseye - Wool & Silk Suiting

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£5.00 per half metre
Honesty - Taupe and Coral - Fabworks Online
Honesty - Taupe and Coral
£6.00 per half metre
Merlot Maze - Silk & Cotton Voile - Fabworks Online
Black Mushroom Silky Jacquard - Fabworks Online
Viscose & Silk Blend Jacquard - Black Mushroom

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Diaphanous Diamonds - Fabworks Online
Summer Breeze Lattice - Fabworks Online
Paisley Floral Fantasy - Crinkle Silk Chiffon - Fabworks Online