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Seasonal Extras: Get Some Luxury, Just For You 🧣💝

HOH 2021: Sustainability Deep-Rooted in our Heritage

HOH '21 is now LIVE! Click Here to view the collection!
Monday 16th August 2021: HOH '21 Blog 1

Autumn is approaching, its our favourite fabrics time to shine - Wool Season!

With the chillier months just a round the corner it's time to start thinking about our winter wardrobes and dressmaking with our favourite fabric.


What is the Heart of Huddersfield Collection?

In case you’re new to Fabworks or haven’t heard of this range, let us remind you…

Fabworks began as a family business trading in reclaimed textiles (rags) and shoddy waste, at a time when this part of Yorkshire was renowned as the centre of the English Woollen Cloth trade.

Over many years, the business has grown, developed & changed with the fifth generation of family joining in, along came new ideas and new adventures!

Revisiting recent history, the Fabworks Heart of Huddersfield 2021 collection (HOH) marks our third year of commissioning the manufacture of our own fabric, made using upcycled & (what would otherwise be) waste wool yarn left over from other manufacturing. We spotted the potential and grabbed at those yarns with BOTH HANDS to create this high quality, sustainable range of fabrics.

Even though the textile market has become dominated by foreign manufacturers, there still is a huge demand for British woollens, the quality of which lives in the Heart of West Yorkshire. By keeping these heritage-steeped mills running and manufacturing, Yorkshire will maintain its name and world renown in’t future!

Over the past two years we have refined our range of HOH fabrics to offer you complementary colours in various weaves, textures and styles. Our emphasis is on providing a collection of fabrics suitable for creating classic wardrobe pieces which are perfect for pulling an outfit together in a flash!

We have already given you a sneaky peak of this year’s collection, we’ll be bringing you more content about the range over the upcoming weeks…

HOH '21 Raw Wool Fabric
HOH '21 Finished Teal Fabric 

Earlier this year we asked YOU, our valued customers, to be part of the HOH story & help us choose the final 5 colours. Your choices will sit alongside our first HOH Fabric - Teal, all in the same weave. The base yarns have a neutral palette which we have used to piece-dye to create the final 6 colours. As always we’ll be giving them a unique identity, with a Yorkshire touch.

To stay updated on all things HOH and ensure you don’t miss ‘owt, including early access to the full range, make sure you’ve signed up to our HOH Bulletin

If you’d like to read more from our archive blog, click this ‘ere link.

We can’t wait to show you!

Si’thee Soon!


Click Here to read the next blog in the HOH Story...!

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